Brit Milah : Call me Meïr !

This morning I became Meïr after my brit milah, the Covenant of circumcision.The physical symbol of the relationship between G‑d and the Jewish people

During 7 years I advanced step by step like a blind in the darkness. I’d like to thank all my friends who accompanied me in this so strange story.

First Rabbi Haïm Harboun (photo) who came from the Mellah of Marrakech in Marrocco where he was born… to my street where I met him 6 years agod. His name signify « life » and life is a plural in hebrew. He came with us at the hospital and celebrate the Kiddouch, with Olivier my twin brother and a jewish friend of him.


Soon, end november, a book Haïm Harboun le rabbin aux milles vies will be published at Lemieux publisher.

Thanks to the Great Rabbi Haïm Korsia who accompanied and answered all my questions, This « Great » is an Humble and he enlightened my road. He is also à Haïm multiple « life » in front of the Holy One, Blessed is He. Thanks to the Rabbi Elfassi and the France’s Consistoire guyour office who accompanied me and sent me to the Brit Mila in july.

Thanks to Marie-Pierre my wife and my family who will come back jewish with me after Beit din decision and Mikveh.

Thanks to Gérard and Antonietta Haddad from Tunis and Venice, Freddy and Evelyne Chiche from Miami, Diane and Jean-Michel from London, Jeremie from Bnei Brak, Olivier and Tsipora in Jeusalem, Salomon Buzaglo of the Center for anousim and Sefardic Studies of Natanya, Micha and Schibboleth, Antoine…Gaston, Fabrice, Cedric, Alexis, Sam, Alexis and his brother, Jacob, Serge, Stéphane and his brother, Samuel, Claude, Maurice, Laurent, Michel, AdiEl, Rony, Raphael, Nathanaël ZAL, … Dany and her parents, Rebecca,  Sylvie, Corinne, Clara, Diane, Myriam and her children, Deborah & Gabrielle and her Deaf Adults Association, … Mendy, Pierre-Jean, Yossef… but also Neil, Nancy, Jean-Paul, Thibault, Greg, Claire, Michel, Jérôme, frère Matthieu de la Pierre-Qui-Vire… thanks to Corsican Jews : Guy and Benny Sabbagh, Halewa familiy, the Castoriano from Turkey, the community of Bastia, all anoussim from Corsica, so important for me in my pilgrimage. Thanks. Apologize for oversights.

Thanks to my grandma who sent me every year during my childhood an Etrog. Its smell  gave me the first sign of our jewish roots from Corsica. We have just finished Souccot and this kind of lemon is the symbolic fruit of Souccot Festival.(photo)


Beit Knesset Meïr in Castagnio street in Corsica where lived my Grand Mather. There takes place the unique Synagog of Corisca where Rav Meïr Toledano zal  buried in Bastia Jewish Cimetery officed as Rabbi From 1920 to 1970.

Thanks to my friend Jean-Louis Rambaud zal. Hebew language came back to my lips when I said the psalm for him seven years ago. He was dead in an avalanche on January 2010 th 1st.  This was for me, the former benedictine monk, the first sign of coming back from amnesia. Lucas his son my spiritual son. Now I know that memory can be either wholly or partially lost due to the extent of damage that was caused several centuries ago (anousim, marrane, means also raped in hebrew).

I can understand that my road can sounds you so strange. It’s  only the testimony that Israël still alive, Am Israël Haï leolam, in Humanity’s service. We can live together in the G-od’s Shalom, in peace on the visage al panim of this earth that G-od created for all his sons. Panim (face, again a plural in hebrew !) and penim  (interiority) is the same word in hebrew.

I am just Meïr min Or, « from the Light », an enlightener, a pilgrim, following Torah light at the service of our shared humanity.

This the begining of the 5777, 24 Tichri,  on Chabbat we will read BERECHIT Sidra, the begining and the first word of the Bible.

We are Oct 26 and as Rabbi Haïm said me this morning after the Shema  » 26 is the Name of the Holy One, Blessed is He, Hakadoch Barouch Hou« : « הקדוש ברוך הוא. ASHEM, the Name, The beginning and the end of the story; the Aleph-A of the life that begins with a Beth-B like the Bible. Hakadoch, Blessed is He, hearing our prayer.

« Magnified, sanctified, be thy holy Name ». Hineni.


8 commentaires sur « Brit Milah : Call me Meïr ! »

  1. Beruchim habaim! I have followed your « voyage » on your blog since I read your book, DES NOCES ÉTERNELLES. I am inspired by your « emuna peshuta ». The jewish people are very lucky to get your and your wife’s neshamot back with us. “In the place where baalei teshuvah stand, utter tzaddikim cannot stand.” I am inspired each time that I read your blog!

    I live in New York in a very large jewish community and would be lucky to have you as guest if you ever come to NY.
    I would also like to have your direct email so that we can correspond directly!

  2. Cher Meir Didier Trés ému personnellement par ton parcours et ta cohérence Tu t’es choisi un magnifique nom, celui du talmudiste que j’affectionne descendant de converti et auteur de la michna un vrai révolutionnaire Je t’embrasse et fier d’être ton ami Gerard

    Envoyé de mon iPhone


  3. Mazel tov Meier votre chemin est magnifique et exemplaire .

    Je partage votre joie et celle de vos proches.

    Renée Kalfon


  4. Mazel Tov, Baruc’h Ha Chem. Mon Frère, Bienvenue chez toi, moi qui te le souhaite sans appartenance reconnue au Peuple de D. : tu es une de mes rares lumières, je suis une de tes ombres.Je me borne à cheminer sur les traces d’un  » Glouton  » qui, selon toi,  » Aimait les Femmes,  » pour ce qu’elles portent et représentent : La Porte du Salut. Car, pour être sauvé, il faut, d’abord, naître. Méïr, te voilà doublement, triplement apte au Salut. Sois Béni.


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